Locally Sourced

Our farms are an average of 26 miles from our Fresno plant* (instead of hundreds), making our product better and fresher from the start. But there’s more to being closer to the farm: We know, respect and better understand our cows, and what it takes for them to be healthiest, happiest, and produce the best tasting milk. And that’s why none of our cows, and those of other local dairy families we work with are ever treated with growth hormone rBST. (*Milk supply information as of April 2019)

Naturally Produced

Nourishing Lives starts at the farm. By starting at the farm it allows us to create quality dairy products from beginning to end.

Our cows are fed a special blend of feed we grow, managed by nutritionists for optimal health and milk taste, with no additives.

They sleep in free stall beds made twice a day for greatest comfort, cleanliness, and the ability to roam.

The enviroment is temperature controlled with fans and misters to keep them comfortable during the hot summer months.

We have comfort paths to and from the milking parlor making the environment stress free for our cows.

Activity necklaces allow us to look into how every cow is feeling, and to prevent any health issues.

Our on-site hospitals aid our cows in feeling better, and double test to ensure they’re free of antibiotics before returning to milking.

Care rated Excellent by Validus, the industry’s leading independent certification for Animal Welfare.

Bottled Cold

Chilled Immediately From Milking

Arrives At The Plant Cold

Less Than An Hour From The Farm

Bottled Fresh

Delivered Fresh

Less Than 24 Hours

Delivered On Our Trucks

To Your Store

Fresh To Your Table