Affiliate Program
For over 85 years Producers has played a major part in the Central Valley for providing nutritional, wholesome products. We want to invite you to step into our journey with us.
Our journey tells the story of how we can nourish lives one at a time. Every bottle that reaches your refrigerator, every phone call with our customers, and every family member that is touched by our community partnerships is just a small represenetation of how Producers pursues our purpose every day.
Join the Producers family in our journey to nourish lives, and become an affiliate. Are you someone striving to drive brand success for companies you believe in? Are you a chef wanting to experiment with fresh and local products? Are you social media savvy and want to help promote a purpose you believe in?
Through our branding opportunities, you’ll be able to experience new adventures, meet new people, create awareness and excitement for our products, and become a part of the Producers family.
Imagine sitting around the dinner table with your family, you’re pouring that fresh glass of milk, sharing a funny story from your day with the family. This is the image we want our influencers to not only share but feel a part of.
Our influencers help us to be proactive in every community Producers reaches and are the storytellers that allow us to communicate our story authentically. We’re looking for influencers who strive for leadership, creativity, and positive outlooks. Through our program, influencers will experience personal growth, developmental tools, new products to taste, and a community of people that will become like family.
Family is where it starts. We want our products to nourish your family, and we want our influencers to feel like they’re apart of that family.
Brand Ambassadors
The official definition for a Producers Ambassador is a person acting in representation of our company. Our definition? An extension of our Producers family living out our purpose throughout their day, at events, and on social media.
As an ambassador, you will learn about marketing tools, develop outreach experience, try a variety of new products, and join a family that will become your new support system. Our goal is to grow and extend Producers’ purpose throughout the community and make a difference.
Through authenticity and meaningful relationships, we hope to bring a taste of our family to you.
Chef Ambassadors
Calling all chefs and culinary experts!
Producers’ is proud to announce our new Chef Ambassador Program. As a company, we work hard to bring the highest quality products all over the state of California, and now we want to work hands-on with the highest quality chefs and experts.
As a Chef Ambassador, you will be working hands-on with our family business by developing recipes, assisting in product development and tastings, and creating promotional materials that will inspire our customers in the kitchen.
By working with chefs and culinary experts, not only will we grow our Producers family, but we will continue to become a distinguished representative in the ever-growing culinary world.
Share your photos and social media posts with us! Email us or use #NourishingLives
Help us to Nourish Lives